3 March 2007

It's finally ended.

Everyday life
Everyday since we met around 20 years ago this man has been part of my life.
It's one of the first captures I have of him in his work gear.

O.K. not everyday but every week day someone in the house has homework, ranging from reading to maths that I long ago forgot how to do.
Here's Seamus diligently doing his on Wednesday night, he has a little case of hero worship with his teacher(his first ever male teacher) and would hate to disappoint him by not completing anything, just hope it keeps up all year long.

February's photo of the day challenge is finally over, here are the last two photos I took for the month. I must admit that while time intensive it was a great idea to get me out there and actually use the camera every day and for everyday things. A photo a week challenge would suit my time commitments better though.

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